Just a few more days away till Comic Fiesta 2010, and here i bring you (yet another slowpoke update, lol) one final update (i hope! lol) for Comic Fiesta 2010. And just in case: it’s at Berjaya Times Square Hotel’s Manhattan Ballroom this time instead of Sunway convention center from previous year(s). Anyways on with the updates shall we?
Tag: Comic Fiesta 2010
Comic Fiesta 2010 Aims To Reward Visitors and Challenge Perceptions
It has been a very long while since i’ve posted, to be more specific, some 4+ months long. Yeah, thats what things like Starcraft 2, AFA X (lol post fukken where?), and downright laziness would get you. Anyways as you can see from the title, yes, i’m going to Comic Fiesta 2010, so to those wondering, hope this answers you 😛 Moving on to the official stuffs:
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