Miss Chihara Minori’s Q&A

As 6pm rolled around, the much anticipated special guest of DaiCon – Chihara Minori’s Q&A and autograph signing session finally began. Just before that, the DaiCon committee had ushered ticket holders and media people into the stage area, and had been trying to whip the crowd into shouting out ‘Chihara!’ ‘Minori!’ to greet Minorin when she showed up. These efforts kept falling flat halfway through as the crowd ran out of enthusiasm – that was until Minorin showed up, at which point everybody found a renewed surge of energy and wild cheering, as well as the chanting of ‘Minorin!, Minorin!’, set the tone for an amazing Q&A session.

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Massive DaiCon update!

DaiCon. Daikon. Its funny, you're supposed to laugh.

DaiCon is just around the corner, and there has been a final flurry of updates from the committee. Probably the most important thing is this:

Due to MMU security policy, all visitors to the university MUST be registered at the entrance, but we’ve managed to lift that requirement by using a special Visitor’s DaiCon pass! Please download the pass from our website, print it out on a piece of A4 paper and place it on your vehicles dashboard to gain hassle-free entry to our university! The pass also allows your vehicles access to the Visitor’s Parking Bays during DaiCon, so please keep it there at all times during our event!

Make things easier for yourself and do that, and tell your friends who are going as well! More updates after the jump.

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Death Meets Moe hailing from new server

Ok post is finally up, been a really hectic week as Daicon 2009 approaches around the corner. Planned to have this posted yesterday night as the new DNS are being propagated/done propagating, not to mention following up a mega-update regarding Daicon as the weekend gets closer by jcdish.

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Server moving, appreciation to Aphexdk

As you guys can see from the post title, Death Meets Moe is finally moving the Server to paid hosting. During the migration starting now until the weekend, you may experience 1-2 days (max) of downtime, and the entire migration should be complete by this weekend first week of July, just a week before Daicon 2009. I’ll keep this short as I’m trying to make sure this posts makes it before end of June and I would actually maintain 3 posts/month and not slipping any lower than that >_<

Continue reading “Server moving, appreciation to Aphexdk”