image source: illustrator Kunieda’s website “Heddohon shōjo” ヘッドホン少女
Been a while since the last post (as usual it seems lol), so hello everyone if anyone still reads this blog! Now you may probably wonder what is a Headphone review doing on this website especially with a description like “Anime, Figurines, Gaming, and Otaku’ism” right? Well if you’re familiar with anime shows/movies, you will probably notice that the opening or ending of every episode or movie, there will always be an opening or ending theme song playing. Yes, Anime song – short “anisong” is rapidly gaining popularity everywhere around the world and that is what I’ve been listening to for my music ever since i have left the English music scene somewhere around the year 2004/2005. I can go on for a while on the comparisons between the 2 music scenes, reasons of why i made the switch and so forth, however that’s not why i am writing this post. This post will be all about the Audio Technica ATH-AD900 review, so lets get on with it shall we?
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