TFM Gathering at Valho’s, my belated Birthday

About last 2 weeks ago(07-03-09), folks from The Figure Mall held a gathering at Valho’s place, for god knows whatever reasons. (I think it was due to monday being a public holiday, maybe. I knew i spent mondays sleeping instead of slaving working at office) Since my birthday just passed a few days ago(05-03-09), i figured that id throw up some self gratification surprise and secretly planned for my own birthday cake – a Horo Cake.

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Dakimakura fever! otaku level goes up?

Dakimakura, popular topic amongst otaku, very difficult to obtain depending on various situations or maybe blantant bullshit excuse, and, i got one. Thats right, journey through all 9 hells and the seven seas around 4 months of searching after hardening my resolve to acquire such an item, and around/over MYR700 in cash, yes. It is done. The irony of this post, or more accurately, post title? I actually had a pretty bad fever along with cough/flu altogether (on my friggin Birthday too /cry). But of course, my dakimakura is completed, and there she was, by my side as i recover from my sickness.

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Valentines ronery? Chinese new year photoshoot

About 19 days has passed since valentines, and just a lil’ longer since Chinese new year, but whats DMM without some slowpoke posts right? (right? >_<) In all honesty though, i meant to really post this up much earlier, but a pretty heavy fever got in the way so boohoo on the post. Anyways! Just hopping on the valentines day Ronery bandwagon… so… yeah!!!

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00 Raiser built

Woah! 2 post in a row?! Thats right this aint no lie! Anyways! During Saturday 07-02-2009, my resistance barrier broke down. The temptation to get Gundam 00, now packaged with 0 Raiser, along with a limited edition Celestial Being gundam base, was just too much for a gundam 00 fan like myself to resist. Truth be told, i have been resisting since the time it was exclusively sold on AFA08, alas, that resistance has all been shattered to bits when i saw 00 Raiser package upclose when i went to Time Machine at Berjaya Times Square to get some paints to repair my Ryougi Shiki figure that I’ve damaged during a photoshoot.

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Blizzard sued by Glider Bot program maker

It’s been a while since my last blog post especially a WoW related one. Not that there is much to write about WoW at the moment considering my rather casual viewpoint of it, however this one particular WoW news is just so full of stupidity i felt it needed some attention if it haven’t got enough from its 12+ million subscriber already. Here i present you the epic facepalm link:
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Happy new year 2009 from Death Meets Moe

Happy new year 2009 to everyone from DMM! And since it is the year of the cow/moo/ox/things that gives milk, i hereby present you a random cowgirl image! Hope you guys enjoy that haha. Many things happened in 2008, namely the creation of this blog? LOL! Ive thought of providing some highlights of anime and what not, but thats pretty much covered by many many other blogs, so didnt feel like the right thing to do at the moment, especially with so many blog drafts to clear. (like the AFA/CF ones lol) MAYBE id do it sometime later but most likely not as by the time i got around it, it’d be meaningless 😛

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